
Showing posts from February, 2016

Thank you for Every One:

Play with Linux - 19 - Linux Tweaks

Play with Linux - 18 - Command: funny manpages

Play with Linux - 17 - ASCIIquarium

Play with Linux - 16 - Command: url

Play with Linux - 15 - Command: bb

Play with Linux - 14 - Command: aafire

Play with Linux - 13 - Command: espeak

Play with Linux - 12 - Command: while

Play with Linux - 11 - Fork Bomb

Codeforces Problems : 118A – String Task

Play with Linux - 10 - Command : oneko

Play with Linux - 9 - Command : cmatrix

Play with Linux - 8 - Command : toilet

Play with Linux - 7 - Command : yes

Play with Linux - 6 - Command : cowsay

Play with Linux - 5 - Command : script

Play with Linux - 4 - Command : factor

Play with Linux - 3 - Command : rev (Reverse)

Play with Linux - 2 - Command : fortune

Play with Linux - 1 - Command: telnet

Codeforces Problems : 71A – Way too Long Words

Codeforces Problems : 4A – Watermelon