Play with Linux - 5 - Command : script

Command: script

OK fine this is not a command and a script but it is nice.
root@tecmint:~# for i in {1..12}; do for j in $(seq 1 $i); do echo -ne $i×$j=$((i*j))\\t;done; echo;done 

2×1=2 2×2=4 
3×1=3 3×2=6 3×3=9 
4×1=4 4×2=8 4×3=12 4×4=16 
5×1=5 5×2=10 5×3=15 5×4=20 5×5=25 
6×1=6 6×2=12 6×3=18 6×4=24 6×5=30 6×6=36 
7×1=7 7×2=14 7×3=21 7×4=28 7×5=35 7×6=42 7×7=49 
8×1=8 8×2=16 8×3=24 8×4=32 8×5=40 8×6=48 8×7=56 8×8=64 
9×1=9 9×2=18 9×3=27 9×4=36 9×5=45 9×6=54 9×7=63 9×8=72 9×9=81 
10×1=10 10×2=20 10×3=30 10×4=40 10×5=50 10×6=60 10×7=70 10×8=80 10×9=90 10×10=100 
11×1=11 11×2=22 11×3=33 11×4=44 11×5=55 11×6=66 11×7=77 11×8=88 11×9=99 11×10=110 11×11=121 
12×1=12 12×2=24 12×3=36 12×4=48 12×5=60 12×6=72 12×7=84 12×8=96 12×9=108 12×10=120 12×11=132 12×12=144


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