5 Ways to Have Fun With Google

5 Way to Have Fun With Google Search

Impress yourfriends with these fun search and have a nice time in using Google search engine.Lets now play with Google,
1. Go to Google.com, type in “Lol limewire” and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”
Just see whta happens.
2. Type “world cup” in Google Search box and hit google search.
On search result page you will see GOOOOOOOOOOAL instead of gooOOOgle at bottom of page!!
3. Type “Who Is The Cutest” in Google Search and hit search.
Biggest Lie Ever waiting in first result.
4. Type in “Ewmew Fudd”. Click “I’m feeling lucky”
5. Make Google Dance
Type “google loco” and Click “I’m feeling lucky”
The google loco starts dancing!


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