HACKER RANK Algorithm Strings Challenges - Palindrome Index Solution.'C++'

Algorithm Strings Challenges - Palindrome Index Solution
Problem Statement
You are given a string of lower case letters. Your task is to figure out the index of the character on whose removal it will make the string a palindrome. There will always be a valid solution.

In case the string is already a palindrome, then -1 is also a valid answer along with possible indices.
Input Format
The first line contains T, i.e. the number of test cases.
T lines follow, each containing a string.
Output Format
Print the position (0 index) of the letter by removing which the string turns into a palindrome. For a string, such as
we can remove b at index 0 or c at index 3. Both answers are accepted.
1 length of string 100005
All characters are Latin lower case indexed.
Sample Input
Sample Output
In the given input, T = 3,
  • For input aaab, we can see that removing b from the string makes the string a palindrome, hence the position 3.
  • For input baa, removing b from the string makes the string palindrome, hence the position 0.
  • As the string aaa is already a palindrome, you can output 0, 1 or 2 as removal of any of the characters still maintains the palindrome property. Or you can print -1 as this is already a palindrome.
Custom Checker logic
Possible doubt is answered here


using namespace std;

bool ispalin(string str)
 int i = 0, j = str.length() - 1;
 while (i < j)
  if (str[i] != str[j]) return false;
  i++, j--;
 return true;

int main()
 int t;
 cin >> t;
 while (t--)
  string str;
  cin >> str;
  int i = 0, len = str.length(), j = len - 1;
  int ans = -1;
  while (i < j && str[i] == str[j]) i++, j--;
  if (i < j)
   string str1 = str.substr(0, i) + str.substr(i + 1, str.length() - i - 1);
   if (ispalin(str1)) ans = i;
   string str2 = str.substr(0, j) + str.substr(j + 1, str.length() - j - 1);
   if (ispalin(str2)) ans = j;
  cout << ans << endl;
 return 0;

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