Soliton Quants Questions:

Quants Questions :

 1.      Consider two identical pack of cards A and B. When one card from A is taken and shuffled with the card B, the first top card of A is the Queen of hearts. What will be the probability that the top card of B to be King of hearts?

  2.   Arun wants to send invitation letter to his 7 friends. In how many ways can he send the invitation letter if he has 4 servants to carry the invitation letters?

3.   Consider a cube such that the product of the three faces of the cube forms the vertex. The sum of all vertices is 1001. Then what will be the sum of numbers in all the faces of the cube?

4.   How many numbers not exceeding 10000 can be made using the digits 2,5,4,6,8.  If repetition is allowed?


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