10 powerful ways to become a Good programmer

The following points will help you to become as a Good Programmer.
1. Work on Basis.
2. Start putting question tags (how, what) with every set of code you write.
3. You learn more by helping others.
4. Spend more time to analyze the problem, you will need less time to solve the problem.
5. Write simple , understandable but logical code.
6. Be the first to analyze and review your code.
7. Don't worry about the changing technology in all over the world. Think that, you are the master in your language.
8. Work around, don't work for longer time. (but some techies follow the opposite principle, i.e, Code! Code!! Code!!!)
9. Read the documentation and Problem Statement carefully.
10. And the last is most important, which is my favorite point. That is, "You can learn more from others code as well"

Thanks to Dzone, for giving me an idea to post this.

Thanks for Visiting, Hope this helps you.... Comments are welcome....


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