HackerRank - Algorithms - Dynamic Programming - The Maximum Subarray.py

                                              The Maximum Subarray

Problem Statement:
Given an array  of  elements, find the maximum possible sum of a
  1. Contiguous subarray
  2. Non-contiguous (not necessarily contiguous) subarray.
Empty subarrays/subsequences should not be considered.
Input Format
First line of the input has an integer  cases follow.
Each test case begins with an integer . In the next line,  integers follow representing the elements of array .
The subarray and subsequences you consider should have at least one element.
Output Format
Two, space separated, integers denoting the maximum contiguous and non-contiguous subarray. At least one integer should be selected and put into the subarrays (this may be required in cases where all elements are negative).
Sample Input
1 2 3 4
2 -1 2 3 4 -5
Sample Output
10 10
10 11
In the first case:
The max sum for both contiguous and non-contiguous elements is the sum of ALL the elements (as they are all positive).
In the second case:
[2 -1 2 3 4] --> This forms the contiguous sub-array with the maximum sum.
For the max sum of a not-necessarily-contiguous group of elements, simply add all the positive elements.
Language: Python

# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT
def dp(L):
    far = ending = neg = -2**31
    tot = 0

    for i in xrange(len(L)):
        ending = max(L[i], ending + L[i])        
        far = max(far, ending)

        if L[i] > 0:
            tot += L[i] 
            if L[i] > neg:
                neg = L[i]
    if tot == 0: # All values were negative so just pick the largest
        tot = neg
    return map(str, (far, tot))

test_cases = input()
while(test_cases > 0):
    test_cases -= 1
    arr_length = input()
    arr = map(int,raw_input().split())

    print ' '.join(dp(arr))

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